Forms & Applications

Download and print out important forms for our Township from this site, so that you already have all the paperwork you need before coming to the Township office.


Please review the Zoning Ordinance (Volume 1) and General Ordinances (Volume 2) for additional information on requirements or additional steps that must be performed.

The forms you will be able to find here are:

  • Building Department Applications and Sample Drawings
    • Building Permit
    • Electric Permit
    • Mechanical Permit
    • Plumbing Permit
    • Zoning Permit
    • Cross Section for Covered Porch or Deck
    • Cross Section for Ramp
    • Cross Section for Residential Deck Specifications
    • Cross Section for Residential Garage & Accessory Structures
    • Cross Section for Residential Pole Barn
  • Freedom of Information (FOIA) Request
  • Hill Cemetery Veteran's Memorial Brick Request
  • Land Division Request
  • Land Combination Request
  • Land Boundry Change Request
  • Marihuana Facilities License Request
  • Peddler/Solicitor Application (includes yard sales)
  • Rezoning Request
  • Special Use Permit Application
  • Zoning Variance Application


Our old Town Hall building is now owned and operated by the Lawrence Town Hall Preservation Foundation and is available for rent for parties and events.  The rental form is available below. (very bottom)


Our Marihuana Agency also has a Marihuana Facilities License Request and Marihuana Agency Complaint Form Found below.




Effective September 9, 2019, our Building Department vendor, Associated Governmental Services, Inc (AGS) has been replaced by a new vendor, SafeBuilt.


SafeBuilt forms consolidate residential/commercial, new build/remodel/demo applications.  Please use the new forms and discard any forms you may have that reference AGS.


The first step in obtaining a building permit for new structures of any type is to complete a Zoning Permit Application and Overview Drawing.  SafeBuilt will verify the building placements meet the requirements of our zoning ordinance.  If it does not, you will be provided with guidance and options.


Building Permit
You must complete this application to obtain a building permit. Building permits are required for all new construction, remodel projects, additions as well as accessory structures. This application is used for commercial/residential structures, accessory structures, demolition, remodeling, etc. Additional cross-section drawings must be completed for: ramps, decks, covered porches, pole buildings, garage & accessory structures, stairways and handrails and/or structures with foundations. Multiple cross-section drawings may be necessary based on your project. In addition, a floorplan should be included. Sample drawings are shown below and can be used or modified to fit your build.
SB Building Permit Application.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [439.9 KB]
Electric Permit
You must complete this application to obtain an electrical permit. Electrical permits are required when adding OR changing any electrical service or wiring.
SB Electrical Permit Application.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [154.7 KB]
Mechanical Permit
You must complete this application to obtain a mechanical permit. Mechanical permits are required when adding OR changing any of the mechanical systems in your building or structure. For example: furnace, air conditioning system, air handlers, piping systems (oil, gas, water), to name a few.
SB Mechanical Permit Application.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [148.6 KB]
Plumbing Permit
You must complete this application to obtain a plumbing permit. Plumbing permits are required when adding OR changing anything related to your water, gas or septic systems.
SB Plumbing Permit Application.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [100.5 KB]
Zoning Permit
You must complete this application to determine if what you want to build, remodel or construct is allowed in your zoning district. This application must be submitted BEFORE you apply for any other building department permits (ie: Building, Electrical, Mechanical, Plumbing)

In some cases, a formal site plan must be presented to the Planning Commission. See the Zoning Ordinance for more detail.
Adobe Acrobat document [416.3 KB]
Cross Section for Covered Porch or Deck
Use this cross section drawing to provide detail regarding your covered deck or porch structure.
Covered Porch Sample.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [237.0 KB]
Cross Section of Ramp
Use this cross section drawing to provide detail regarding your ramp structure.
Ramp Sample.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [352.1 KB]
Cross Section for Residential Deck Specifications
Use this cross section drawing to detail your uncovered deck. NOTE: use the covered deck cross section if your deck or porch will be covered by a roof.
Deck Sample Cross Section.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [959.4 KB]
Cross Section for Residential Garage & Accessory Structures
Use this cross section drawing to provide detail regarding your residential garage or accessory structure.
Garage-Accessory Structure Sample.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [276.1 KB]
Cross Section for Residential Pole Barn
Use this cross section drawing to provide detail regarding your residential pole barn.
Pole Building Sample.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [679.7 KB]
Cross Section for Residential Stairways & Handrails
Use this cross section drawing to provide detail regarding interior or exterior stairways and handrails.
Stair Sample.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [198.5 KB]
Cross Section for Structures with Foundations
You can print and complete this cross section to provide detail regarding your structure.
Residential Cross Section for Structures[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [853.0 KB]
Sample Floor Plan
This is an example of how you should draw and detail your floorplan, if you are not using professionally drawn plans. Make sure to reflect any attached garages, porches, decks, etc. If there are bedrooms included in your floor plan, you also must include window sizes and door placements.
Sample Floorplan.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [459.2 KB]
Sample Overhead Showing all Parcel Structures
Use this sample drawing as a guide when providing an overhead view of the parcel and new or additional buildings on the parcel. This should be provided with your Zoning Permit Application.
Adobe Acrobat document [150.5 KB]
Site Plan Application and Instructions
Site Plan Application and Instructions.p[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [126.1 KB]
Site Plan Application Checklist
Site Plan Application Checklist.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [73.2 KB]

Short Term Rentals 

Lawrence Twp Rental Unit Affidavit 2024
Lawrence Twp Rental Unit Affidavit 2024.[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [104.3 KB]
Tenant Good Conduct Agreement
Lawrence Tenant Good Condcut Agreement 2[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [135.4 KB]
New Short Term Rental Application
Lawrence Township Renewal Rental App App[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [115.5 KB]
Renewal for Short Term Rental Application
Lawrence Township Renewal Rental App App[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [115.5 KB]

Freedom of Information Request (FOIA) Procedures and Forms

FOIA Public Summary of Procedures
Lawrence Township Public Summary FOIA 12[...]
Microsoft Word document [100.0 KB]
Lawrence FOIA Request Form[...]
Microsoft Word document [125.5 KB]
Lawrence FOIA Denial Appeal Form 12-14-2[...]
Microsoft Word document [116.5 KB]
Lawrence FOIA Fee Appeal Form 12-14-2019[...]
Microsoft Word document [116.5 KB]

Land Division, Land Combination, and Land Boundary Change

The following 3 forms (Land Division, Land Combination, and Land Boundary Change) also need the following Tax Payment Certification Form Completed when applying. (There are two pages to the Tax Payment form)


Land Division Application
Land Division Application
You must complete this application when requesting a parcel split from one to two or more parcels. Please make sure to include ALL required attachments when submitting your application. NOTE: no versions prior to 12/14/2019 will be accepted.
Land Division Application 12-14-19.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [291.4 KB]
Land Combination Application
You must complete this application when requesting to combine two or more parcels. Please make sure to include ALL required attachments when submitting your application. NOTE: no versions prior to 12/14/2019 will be accepted.
Property Combination Application.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [59.8 KB]
Land Boundary Change Application
You must complete this application when requesting to adjust boundary lines with 1 or more other parcels. Please make sure to include ALL required attachments when submitting your application. NOTE: no versions prior to 12/14/2019 will be accepted.
Lawrence Boundary Adjustment 12-14-19.pd[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [203.7 KB]
Tax Payment Certification Form Page 1
VBC Tax Form pg 1.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [25.7 KB]
Tax Payment Certification Form Page 2
VBC Tax Form Pg2.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [21.5 KB]

Assessor Applications

Application for MCL 211.7u Poverty Exemption
Application for MCL 211.7u Poverty Exemp[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [164.4 KB]
Affirmation of Ownership and Occupancy to Remain Exempt by Reason of Poverty
Affirmation of Ownership and Occupancy t[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [47.5 KB]


Hill Cemetery Veteran's Memorial Brick Order Form
Military veterans, living or dead, can be honored by having a memorial brick placed in our Veteran's Cemetery Memorial at Hill Cemetery.
Hill Cemetery Memorial Brick Order Form [...]
Adobe Acrobat document [157.6 KB]
Peddler/Solicitation or Yard Sale Permit Application
A permit is required before door-to-door solicitations or yard sales may be conducted. There is a $75 fee for peddler/solicitation permits. Yard Sales have no fee, at this time.
PeddlerSolicitorYardSale Application.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [125.6 KB]
Special Use Permit Application
This form is used to apply for a Zoning Special Use Permit.
Lawrence Twp SUP App 9-6-19.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [110.7 KB]
Zoning Variance Application
You must complete this application when requesting a variance to our existing zoning ordinance. The Zoning Board of Appeals will review your request after appropriate publishing and notification to surrounding property owners.
Zoning Variance Application 8-2021.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [185.7 KB]
Marihuana Facilities License Request
Use this form to request approval for a license for a medical OR adult-use/recreational marihuana facility. Review Ordinance 1 Amendment of 12-12-19 and Ordinance 31 for more information.
Lawrence Application Marihuana Facility [...]
Adobe Acrobat document [194.4 KB]
Marihuana Agency Complaint Form
If you are having an issue with any of Lawrence Township's Marihuana Facilities please use the attached form and contact us right away.
Rich Glista
Lawrence Township Marijuana Administrator
(269) 674-4255 ext. 104
Facility Complaint Form 8-21.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [55.4 KB]
New Town Hall Reservation Form
The new Town Hall, located at 411 N Paw Paw St, was purchased from the Lion's Club. The building is available for public events only. No private rentals allowed.
Town Hall Usage Form 12-14-19.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [165.7 KB]
Old Town Hall Reservation Form
The historic old Town Hall is now owned and operated by the Lawrence Town Hall Preservation Foundation and is available for rent. You can rent the upper level, basement level, or both.
Rental Form 5-1-19.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [173.1 KB]

Get in Touch

Need to locate contact information? Find the right person to talk to in the offices of LAWRENCE now. 

PO Box 445

Office Phone:    269 674-4255

Fax:                 269 674-4502

Treasurer:        269 674-3840


Important Notice!

If you will be burning brush or a large burn pile, don't forget to call the Township offices and get a burn permit from the Fire Department by calling 269-674-8833!


Check out the Events page to find out what is going on in our beautiful community.

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