Our Departments

Lawrence Township Emergency Services (LTES)
The LTES consists of a fire chief and 15 volunteer firefighters and emergency quick responders and is one of the most important institutions in LAWRENCE TOWNSHIP. Anyone interested in joining the LTES can contact the Chief for information on duties, responsibilities and how to apply.  (Applications available at Township Hall)

Fire Permits and House Number signs($15) are also available from the Chief. 
Contact info for the LTES:
Fire Chief:  Chief Steven Richardson
              Phone: (269) 674-8833
              Address: 205 N PAW PAW ST

              PO Box 445

              Lawrence, MI  49064


Ben Brousseau is our Assessor since September 1, 2017.  Ben is a MAAO certified assessor with a lot of experience in our area.  Assessing information is now available from the county website at: 


Contact info for the Assessing department:


                MAAO #R-6548

Field Technician:  Jason Waller

      Phone:  269 655-1144

      Address:  411 N Paw Paw St

                     PO Box 445

                     Lawrence, MI  49064


Ben Brousseau, Township Assessor, is available by appointment to speak with residents in person at the Township office.  However, please feel free to contact your assessor at any time for questions you might have or to set up an appointment. Contact number is 269-655-1144 or email address: If you have to leave a message, your call will be returned within 48 hours on normal business days.

For record card information and links to other offices please visit our website at:


Note: Current land value calculations and economic condition factors can be found under  the heading Assessing and Property Tax Information Above.

Cemetery Operations

There are four Cemeteries in Lawrence Township:  Hill Cemetery, Military Veteran's Cemetery, Pioneer Cemetery, and Prospect Cemetery.  The cemeteries are maintained by Sexton Scott Earls.


Contact info for the cemeteries:


        Phone:  269 674-3723

        Address:  205 N PAW PAW ST

                        PO Box 445

                        Lawrence, MI  49064

Cannabis Agency

Created in June 2021 the Marihuana Agency will handle all business that relates to the Cannabis industry in Lawrence Township excluding Lawrence Village.  The Agency has an Administratior: Richard Glista and Clerk: Matt Sanborn.  They will be researching state regulations and following Lawrence Twp Ordinances for the Township Marihuana(Cannabis) Industry. 

Contact information: Richard Glista, Administrator 

                                Lawrence Township Hall      Daily M-F  8am-4pm

                                 411 N Paw Paw Street

                                 P.O. Box 445

                                 Lawrence, MI 49064

                                ** 269-674-4255 ext. 104



Lawrence Housing Committee 

Lawrence Housing Committee was created by Matthew Sanborn in January of 2022 and accepted by the Lawrence Township Planning Commission in February of 2022. The Lawrence Housing Committee is a joint township/village open committee that aims to increase the available housing stock in both communities. The committee is open to the public, targeted members include: • Staff from the building, community, and economic development departments • Property owners • Community manager or supervisors • Members of the governing body & school systems • Neighborhood leaders & business owners • Real estate professionals • Members or staff of the Downtown Development Authority/Corridor Improvement Authority/ Land Bank Authority/Brownfield Authority.


It is not the intention of the Housing Committee to take a direct role in the planning of any individual project or reform, but to provide Lawrence planners with up-to-date information and resources. The Lawrence Housing Committee will not vote or take action.


The committee co-chair is Gretchen Gendron, Lawrence Public Schools Superintendent.


Lawrence Housing Committee meetings are scheduled as needed and take place at the Lawrence Township Hall. 411 N. Paw Paw St, Lawrence, MI 49064.


Contact for more information:



Planning Commission

The Planning Commission consists of 7 appointed members.  Members are representative of the township interests, including:  lake, farming, residential, commercial, industrial, schools.


Zoning and Building Department

Lawrence Township has a new company used for Zoning and Building administration.  SAFEbuilt replaces Associated Governmental Services (AGS), effective September 9, 2019, and issues all permits for Zoning, Building, Electrical, Mechanical, Plumbing, and Demolition.


We now have an person from SAFEbuilt at the Township Hall on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7am-11:30am to answer questions and assist people. Her name is Kelly Largent and her email address is: of call our office to speak directly to her on Tuesdays or Thursdays. 269-674-4255 ext 101


Contact info for SAFEbuilt:

          Office Phone:    (269) 729-9244

          Address:  107 S Capital Ave

                         PO Box 190

                         Athens, MI  49011

       Inspection Line:    (877) 721-9266

         eMail Address:


New (summer of 2022) SAFEbuilt Permits office is located in the Lawrence Township Office Lobby. There is a representative daily to answer questions and assist the public with their questions and help with the permit process. 


Kristina- 269-539-4500  ext. 107

                     Permit Technician Hours

                Monday  8 - 4            Thurs.  8 - 4

                Tuesday 8 - 4             Friday  Closed

                Wed.     8 - 4


Zoning Board of Appeals

The Lawrence Township Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) consists of 5 appointed members.  The ZBA hears applications from property owners (or their representative) regarding appeals to denials received from the Building Department.  ZBA Variance forms are available in the Forms and Applications Link.

Get in Touch

Need to locate contact information? Find the right person to talk to in the offices of LAWRENCE now. 

PO Box 445

Office Phone:    269 674-4255

Fax:                 269 674-4502

Treasurer:        269 674-3840


Important Notice!

If you will be burning brush or a large burn pile, don't forget to call the Township offices and get a burn permit from the Fire Department by calling 269-674-8833!


Check out the Events page to find out what is going on in our beautiful community.

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