Public Notices

The Open Meetings Act (OMA) of Michigan requires notice to be given before a meeting is held and requires minutes to be prepared as a record of actions taken at the meeting.  Perhaps most importantly, the OMA is the source of requirement that all votes of a public body must be made public.


Lawrence Township complies with the OMA by posting notices of meetings at three locations:  Lawrence Community Services Building (Fire Station), Lawrence Post Office, Lawrence Township Hall (near the Business Office door).  In addition, public notices are posted to this website.


Lawrence Township Board

411 N. Paw Paw

Lawrence, MI 49064



Meeting Date: February 8, 2025 from 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm EST and February 22, 2025 from 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm EST Meeting

Location: Lawrence Township Office 411 N. Paw Paw Lawrence, MI 49064


Purpose(s) of Meeting: Draft the Proposed Budget: Review financials, discuss priorities, and develop the preliminary budget for the year 2025.


This notice is posted in compliance with the Open Meetings Act, Public Act 267 of 1976, as amended, (MCL 41.72a(2)(3)) and the Americans With Disabilities Act. 

A copy of this notice is on file in the Clerk’s Office, located at: 411 N. Paw Paw, Lawrence, MI 49064


The Lawrence Township Board will provide necessary reasonable auxiliary aids and services, such as signers for the hearing impaired and audio recordings of printed materials being considered at the meeting, to individuals with disabilities at the meeting or public hearing upon two-day notice to the Lawrence Township Board. Individuals with disabilities requiring auxiliary aids or services should contact the Township Board by writing or calling the following: Tracie Rindfield Lawrence Township Clerk 269-674-4255 x3



The Lawrence Township Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a public hearing on None at this time at 6:00 p.m. at the Township Hall located at 411 N. Paw Paw Street, Lawrence, MI 49064.


The purpose of the hearing will be to hear a variance request to the required front yard setback listed in schedule A of the Lawrence Township Zoning Ordinance. The Address is 55493 55th St., Parcel ID #80-13-008-024-00 to allow for the construction of an accessory building.


Those unable to attend the public hearing are invited to submit written comments to the attention of the Chairperson of the Zoning Board Appeals by emailing the Township Clerk at the email address below or by mail: PO Box 445, Lawrence, MI 49064. 


A copy of the agenda and meeting information may be found on the Township’s homepage at before the meeting.


A copy of the application and this notice will be on file at the Township Hall. 


For additional questions, please call the number below. 

Tracie Rindfield, Township Clerk   
411 N. Paw Paw St.
Lawrence, MI 49064
Phone (269) 674-4255



Board Meeting

Lawrence Township Hall




Please take notice that a Regular Board Meeting of the LAWRENCE TOWNSHIP BOARD OF TRUSTEES will be held on February 13, 2025 at 6:00 p.m.  It will be held in-person at the Lawrence Township Hall 411 N. Paw Paw St. Lawrence, MI 49064.


If you have questions or want a copy of the Agenda the week of the meeting please feel free to contact the Clerk at 269-674-4255 or at


The public may participate in the meeting via computer or smart phone, through, using the following link.  For best performance, please download the desktop or mobile app for Free Conference Call (FCC). Online meeting ID: clerk060


The public may also participate by calling into the phone numbers below: Non-Toll-Free number (760) 548-9303 or Toll Free (844) 854-2222 and providing access code 475629#


All meeting will be held in-person at 411 N. Paw Paw St. Lawrence, MI 49064.




The Lawrence Township Board of Review will meet at Township Hall, 411 N. Paw Paw St., Lawrence, MI 49064, to review the 2025 Assessment Roll and hear appeals regarding assessments, taxable values, poverty exemptions, parcel classifications, and agricultural denials.


Meeting Schedule:

  • Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 11:30 AM (Organizational Meeting)
  • Monday, March 10, 2025: 9:00–10:30 AM & 3:00–7:30 PM
  • Tuesday, March 11, 2025: Noon–3:00 PM & 4:30–7:30 PM


Additional days may be scheduled as needed. Appointments are required. Contact Assessor Ben Brousseau at (269) 655-1144 or BEN.APGLLC@GMAIL.COM.


Letter appeals must be received by 5:00 PM on March 10, 2025.


Tentative 2025 equalization factor: 1.0000 for all classes.


ADA Notice: Those requiring auxiliary aids/services should contact the Township at least 7 days in advance at (269) 674-4255 or by mail:
Lawrence Township Clerk, PO Box 445, Lawrence, MI 49064.


Donna Spenner, Supervisor | Ben Brousseau, Assessor

Van Buren County Notice Materials Management Plan
Filed July 3, 2024 Van Buren County intends to complete the MMP development as a Multicounty plan with Berrien and Cass Counties.
County NOI Notice MUNI.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [94.5 KB]

Parks and Recreation Master Plan 2023

Parks and Recreation Master Plan
Parks and Recreation Master Plan as of January 2023
Master Plan PNR 2023-2027 (002).pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [1.7 MB]

State Tax Commission's

New Poverty Exemption Procedure

The STC has created a new application. Click below for related documents that need to be used when one applies.  


2021 State Property Exemption Application
New for 2021 - How to apply for Property Exemptions
2021 State poverty application.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [1.4 MB]


We are often asked about local food pantries.  Here is a great website that is helpful for local listings.


 If you want Programs you have to qualify for that do distributions locally.  

SMCAA Commodity supplemental Food Program:

Cannabis Agency Notice


 Paid for with a grant from the State of Michigan, Lawrence Township has secure lock boxes available for residents. These boxes help prevent unwanted consumption of legal drugs and provide a safe means of legal transportation. Please visit the Township Hall at 411 N. Paw Paw St. to request a free lock box.


Van Buren County Brush and Invasive Species Spray Program

Notice of Brush and Invasive Species Spray Programs
See attached letter from Van Buren County Road Commission on Brush and Invasive Species Spray Program for this year.
2021 - 05 (Brush and Invasive Species Sp[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [14.4 KB]

Road Commission Launches New

Service Request App


Recently the Van Buren County launched SeeClickFix, a new app allowing citizens to report non-emergency road issues.  Residents and the motoring public can take a photo of a road issue, such as a pothole, give the location, add a description, and click “submit” to send requests directly to the Van Buren County Road Commission through SeeClickFix.  


Road Commission Interim Managing Director/Operations Director, Greg Brucks, states, “SeeClickFix makes it easier for staff at the Van Buren County Road Commission to identify and address road-related issues in a timely fashion.  SeeClickFix is a mobile app that lets citizens report issues on-the-go, and receive real time notifications when the service request has been updated.  This will not only serve to increase civic engagement by involving citizens in community dialogue, but will also improve the efficiency in which service requests are addressed.”


SeeClickFix is available immediately for citizen use as follows:


On Facebook at

On the Van Buren County Road Commission’s website at

Download on the App Store or on Google Play

On line at


For answers to any questions about SeeClickFix, please contact the Van Buren County Road Commission at 269-674-8011, Extension 0.  The Road Commission urges you to, “Get Connected.  Get Involved.  Get Results.”



Get in Touch

Need to locate contact information? Find the right person to talk to in the offices of LAWRENCE now. 

PO Box 445

Office Phone:    269 674-4255

Fax:                 269 674-4502

Treasurer:        269 674-3840


Important Notice!

If you will be burning brush or a large burn pile, don't forget to call the Township offices and get a burn permit from the Fire Department by calling 269-674-8833!


Check out the Events page to find out what is going on in our beautiful community.

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